some reference about relieve stress_crying.

1, Release stress by crying : Rui-katsu, which in Japan means “seeking tears”, is a service that provides a safe space for people to cry, claiming to reduce stress and help those shy away from expressing their emotions due to cultural restrictions. Hidefumi Yoshida, a tears teacher, believes that tears have amazing healing powers. …

3rd workshop + export in music psychology.

According to the Yuanyuan’s feedback from last intervention workshop, I got some new idea about third workshop, she mentioned that she always listen some music, explore the story and background behind each song, which is kind of like music therapy. I remember that at the beginning of Covid-19 in China this spring, wuhan, as the …

2nd workshop recording.

11.8 I held second workshop, the participants this time are also creative people, four of whom come from different creative fields, such as product design, we media blogger, illustrator and art teacher. The theme I developed for this intervention was “My way of relieve stress is…“, The reason of voice call, I organised some discussions …

2nd intervention + 1st workshop

1), 10,26 feedback: narrow down the target group, details about the Wechat applet. Through research,  stress is the part of modern life, in China, according to “ the 2016 survey report on workplace stress”, the pressure is widely ignored, and lack of stress management consciousness, don’t know how to right in the face of the …

1019 tutorial feedback

Feedback 1, Fawaz: need a location, 2, Linni: some people may feel more stressed about colour, so just painting is limited, 3, Cici: different people have different way to relieve the stress, 4, Diana: private creative website, Some further thinking from the feedback According to the peer’s feedback and the example on the session, I …

feedback from music psychology expert

Q: How does art therapy help patients? Ways and means? A: Art therapy is mainly used as an auxiliary means of therapy to channel, release and vent emotions. The physician or researcher can judge and observe the mental process by the behavior/reaction of the patient or the subject. In the face of psychological barriers, various …

Feedback from professional–Music Therapist

I interviewed a music therapist, I think art is connected, regardless music and other. And she gave me a lot of valuable advice about my project, some issues that I ignored before. At the same time, she suggested that I read some more practical articles in different directions to narrow the goal. I think it …