2nd workshop recording.

11.8 I held second workshop, the participants this time are also creative people, four of whom come from different creative fields, such as product design, we media blogger, illustrator and art teacher.

The theme I developed for this intervention was “My way of relieve stress is…“,

The reason of voice call, I organised some discussions and shares of participants:

CC: I will do something with obvious effect, such as drawing, (drawing without any purpose), or learning something new, like I recently learned a new software, C4D. Just for the purpose of not wasting time thinking about things that make me have pressure. It may also be that I am competitive, which leads to constant anxiety. You will discover many new skills after a while.

Wanni: My main way to relieve stress is to stop, rest and empty myself. If I find things to do for myself like CC, I may feel more pressure. I think sometimes waste is also a way of adjustment.

Yuanyuan: Listen to music and read books. I probably run away from stress more and pretend it’s not there. Idols can sometimes become my own spiritual motivation. One of my favorite singers often writes some inspiring experiences in his songs, which will also affect me.

Liuyang: The main ways to relieve stress are watching a movie, sleeping, and eating, but the mood doesn’t relax after these things.

Conclusion: The most helpful thing is to communicate with friends and encourage them. Setting a small goal for yourself, or seeing results, and learning to talk to yourself are really effective ways to relieve stress. About CC, in my opinion, it is a very effective way to force yourself to do something when you are under pressure. It may seem meaningless when you do it, but not finishing a work is also a kind of affirmation to yourself. Maybe everyone will think it is a good way, which is also a manifestation of CC’s competitive personality. But it doesn’t apply to everyone. Just like Wanni’s idea, if she does this, she will feel more pressure. She chooses to empty herself and suspend everything, which may be an escape from the pressure. Yuanyuan’s approach will feel somewhat similar to music therapy; through musical appreciation, exploring the story behind music; and singing can also be a way to release inner pressure.

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