

What is the subject or area that you intend to research? What is the precise

question that you will be addressing?

My question is “ how can help young creatives to find their path through practice of self-discovery via art therapy? ” It is like help people who was very confuse about their future, helping them find their path and voice, and then make a clear self-positioning, which means that self-awareness, self-identity and self-reflection, which is very personal area, it is about the stakeholder themselves. 


Why will this research be of value to you – and the world?

First of all, I think that this research is very important for me, which bothers me the most right now. I often ask myself, where should I go in the future? what kind of job should I get? what kind of job is right for me? And I am an art student, a designer, whether to continue to work in design, or choose a more secure job? Because sometimes what you love doesn’t pay the bills. For example, in China, designer is not a very perfect job, such as low salary, low security, but frequent late nights and overtime, seven days a week, more than 12 hours a day is very normal.

And I also think that many graduating or graduated students who came from different area like me, they are very confused about the direction they are going to choose, and the self-positioning is not clear people tend to have high self-expectations, but actually, the reality is often lower than expected, so, I think this is everyone will face a common problem, it can give people some clues.  


How will you accomplish your project in practical terms? What will be your

methodology, management strategy, and schedule?

Interview some people who have same confused, read some articles, books or artworks, trying to find some special design or some outcome. Combine some psychological research results, and try to find some commonalities. And then, from my area (like drawing and design), create a small experiment and see the result, maybe can give me some external inspiration to make a action.

For example, there are many artists who like to paint self-portraits, like Frida Kahlo, Vincent Willem van Gogh, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, and so on. Different people have different angle to see themselves, and everyone has a different interpretation of themselves. So I think self-portraits is a interesting way to help or put people discover themselves. The beautified part may be the part you want to hide, and the most real part, which can help to face our shortcomings. art therapy techniques,design a system of drawing exercise


What are the positive implications and potential if you achieve this mastery?

How will this position you (and your stakeholders) at the end of the Course?

If I achieve this mastery, I think it will help many students to find their direction and the value of themselves. We always spend too much time to find what we really love, so it is more efficient to find what you really love, put your passion into it, and maximize the benefits.

And at the end of the course, me and my stakeholders will turn the passive into the active, control our own life.

Reading List:

Ries, A. and Trout, J. (2002) Positioning: the battle for your mind. New York: Mc Graw-Hill. pp: 183-200

Tsukada, H. (2013) The internationalization of higher education as a site of self-positioning: intersecting imaginations of Chinese international students and universities in Japan (T). University of British Columbia. pp: 284-290. Retrieved from https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0103382.

Christine B, Pierre T.(1998) Parental education and socialisation of the child: internality, valorisation and self-positioning. European Journal of Psychology of Education, Springer Verlag, vol XIII (n°4), pp.475-484.

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