Different Drinking Culture in east and west


China: As a communicative tool, the Chinese drinking culture lacks scientific and systematic theoretical analysis and evaluation of the wine itself, and pays more attention to the wonderful effects after drinking. In business work, there are often some work dinners with leaders or partners. If you do not drink at this time, you will be considered not to respect others, or it seems that your sincerity in cooperation is not enough. Sometimes, the better the atmosphere at the banquet, the more likely it is to succeed in business. Drinking forms a tight network that many people find hard to get rid of.

“The Chinese wine board, a show of authority and obedience, a relentless power game”

Japan: They spend an average of 940 yen a day on alcohol. Izakaya is very popular in Japan. Japan is mostly influenced by ancient Chinese Confucianism “only wine, not chaos” has been regarded by the Japanese as a drinking norms. The Japanese pursued was a hazy and elegant, long and delicate fashion. There is a bizarre phenomenon in Japan, Japanese housewives think that men can’t go home immediately after work, they think that if a man does not have a drink after work, it is a sign of no future. So the first thing Japanese men do after work is go for a drink

Korea: Pay great attention to seniority, same like China and Japan.

West:the purpose of drinking is often very simple, drinking to appreciate the wine, drinking to enjoy the wine. At many opening ceremonies, or formal or informal gatherings, it plays a big role, with alcohol being an essential social bond for some and a sticking point for others. In daily work and life, people respect other people’s choices and do not encourage drinking.


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